- 《サッカー》(人)の左フリーキックを足で合わせて先制{せんせい}する
get a foot on a free kick from the left side by someone to open the scoring 意味
- "get a flu vaccination" 意味
- "get a flunk in math" 意味
- "get a following" 意味
- "get a foot in" 意味
- "get a foot in the hotel business" 意味
- "get a foothold" 意味
- "get a foothold in japan" 意味
- "get a footing" 意味
- "get a footing in an overcrowded profession" 意味
- "get a foot in" 意味
- "get a foot in the hotel business" 意味
- "get a foothold" 意味
- "get a foothold in japan" 意味